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Islamic SMS:

Welcome to “Reza lovely SMS”. Take your mobile & send messages to your friends and loved ones. Some popular sms includes:-Bangla sms, Islamic sms, Bangla love sms, Bangla eid sms, Love sms, Friendship sms, Eid mubarak sms, New year sms etc. So make sure that you bookmark this site and tell all your friends about this site.

The beautiful word is "Allah",
Most beautiful song is "Azan",
Best exercise is "Namaz",
World perfect book is "Quran",
And you r so lucky if U r a Musalman............

Life is test, Islam is best,
Namaz is must, Aakherut is for rest,
World is only dust,
If Quran is chest, Nothing need next,
Obey Allah first. 1st success will b next.............

Happy Moments - Praise Allah,
Difficult Moments - Seek Allah,
Quiet Moments - Worship Allah,
Painful Moments - Trust Allah,
Moment by Moment - Thanks Allah........

"The most grateful of people to Allah are those who r most grateful to other people".

Enjoy ur life by obeying ALLAH's orders & following the methods of Muhammad.

Pay attention to Allah
He will pay attention to you..........

"Gift" of "Salam" wrapped with "Affection"
tied with "Care"
sealed with "Dua"
keep u safe & happy today & always...........

I ask Allah to make u happy,
make u smile , guide u safely,
though every mile, grant u wealth,
give u health & most of all grant u paradise!!!!!!!

"ISLAM" stands for:
Muhammad (SM)

The fire of jahannam will not
touch the person who recites
"Allah-humma aajir-ni minan-naar"

Never say "HI" instead, say "Assalam-o-Alikum"
Never say "Bye" instead, say "Allah Hafiz"
Do not ignore your reality, u r Muslim.

When you r in trouble
don't ever say "Hey God!, I have big problem"
instead say "Hey problem, I have big God!"
and everything will b fine..................

May Allah increase ur EMAN,
Grant u Ahsan,
Restore on u Sabar
Delight u in Ziker,
Bless u with Taqua,
Accept ur Toba &
Honor u with JANNAT (HEAVEN)

Patience with others is Love,
Patience with self is Hope,
Patience with God is Faith...........

Dunia is a classroom, Quran is the syllabus,
Muhammad (sm) is the teacher, Life is a examination,
Allah is the examiner, so try to pass the exam............

As a muslim u have to know that the Quran has
Para - 30
Munzil - 7,
Sura - 114,
Makki - 86,
Madani - 28,
Ruku - 540,
Aayat - 6666,
Haroof - 323760,
Zabr - 53243,
Zer - 39582,
Pesh - 8804,
Naqta - 105681........................